Sunday, August 20, 2023

20th of August

Marks Rpi Cluster continues to run 24/7.

The day after my last post Einstein@home had another outage for 2 days. Unlike last time this outage was planned, although I didn't see the notice until afterwards. They use the Atlas cluster in Germany and were doing maintenance on their power infrastructure. As I did last time I resumed running Asteroids@home work.

BOINC has a concept of a backup project, that is one that does work when you can't get it from other projects. I haven't got my Pi's configured this way. Instead I need to specifically tell them to allow work from Asteroids. I might change Asteroids to be a backup project so I don't need to intervene when Einstein runs out of work.

I mentioned in my last post about replacing the MicroSD cards in all the compute nodes. I just had a look through my SD card spares box and I only have 6 spares (of the 32GB high endurance variety) so I need to order more. I went onto the JB Hi Fi website and it seems it will only let me order 5. Stupid website. I suspect it is checking the local store stock level and that is probably all they've got. I did try changing to another store but it didn't help. It looks like I will have to go in-store to order them.

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