Sunday, May 23, 2021

To clone or not to clone

I was asked this week if I clone SD cards or not. The short answer is no. I'll explain what I do.

My usual process is to write an SD card with Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) from the official image downloaded from the Raspberry Pi foundation website.

Once the Pi has booted up for the 2nd time I run raspi-config, change the password, give it a new host name, set the language, set the location and reduce the GPU memory to the minimum of 16MB and reboot.

Once it comes back and I have logged in again I mount a NFS share. My NFS server is simply a Pi4 2GB with an external hard disk. I have some config files that I copy. The official 64 bit image is a little old so update it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

At this point it has taken maybe 5 minutes. Next I install BOINC, a firewall and ntp on it. If you copy the account files into the BOINC data directory the next time BOINC starts it will automatically attach to each project. If its a reinstall the project server works out its seen this computer before and will give you the previous host id. 

On the NFS server I have the following BOINC files:


The einstein_64bit_0.13.tar is an archive file containing the optimized Einstein app for ARM64. Einstein don't have an official ARM64 app.

The and rosetta_4.20_aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu are the Rosetta@home database and project app. The database is 485MB and the app is 133MB, so this saves having to download them each time I setup or reinstall a Pi4. When the first Rosetta work unit runs it will unpack the database.

In about 7 or 8 minutes I can get a Pi going with fairly minimal effort and more importantly not get the host id's mixed up which can often happen when cloning from another Pi's SD card. I don't even bother backing up the compute nodes because its so easy to re-image an SD card and reinstall. It also allows for some customizing. For example the Pi3's can't run Rosetta (due to the memory required) so I simply don't copy the Rosetta files to them.

I posted about how to setup an NFS server on a Pi back in 2016 here as part of setting up a beowulf cluster. Its probably about time I posted a new one although the instructions haven't changed.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

36TB Pi Storage Server

After seeing Jeff Geerling compare his home-made storage server with a commercial one I thought I would expand on my OpenZFS post. You wouldn't mine Chia on a Pi but you can use it as a cheap storage server after creating your storage plots.

1 x Raspberry Pi4 and case
1 x Rpi power supply
1 x Micro SD card
1 x Powered USB 3.0 hub
5 x External HDD (powered)
2 x Power boards for all the power adapters

I'm not sponsored by anyone so I had to pay for all the parts myself. The power boards are old ones I had left over (I swap out old power boards every few years as the cheap ones tend to fail). The Pi4 was reallocated from number crunching duties. I picked 10TB drives based on the price per GB. If I wanted lots of disk space and price wasn't an issue I would have used 16TB drives. Its best to keep the drives the same size, otherwise you have to use multiple pools.

I am using a 4GB Pi4. The USB hub is a TP-Link UH700 which gives 7 ports and is rated for USB 3.0 speeds. Most USB hubs larger than 4 ports seem to come with a power adapter. The disks are Seagate Expansion 10TB drives.


I had to use two 6 outlet power boards because the spacing between the sockets means I can't plug the adapters in next to each other. Wiring gets messy. I would recommend zip-tying the cables to keep it tidy.

I assume that you have plugged everything in, powered it up and installed OpenZFS on your Raspberry Pi. See my earlier blog post for getting OpenZFS installed Here

Lets see what drives are attached. The lsblk (list block device) command will show them:


sda           8:0    0  9.1T  0 disk
|-sda1        8:1    0  9.1T  0 part
`-sda9        8:9    0    8M  0 part
sdb           8:16   0  9.1T  0 disk
|-sdb1        8:17   0  9.1T  0 part
`-sdb9        8:25   0    8M  0 part
sdc           8:32   0  9.1T  0 disk
|-sdc1        8:33   0  9.1T  0 part
`-sdc9        8:41   0    8M  0 part
sdd           8:48   0  9.1T  0 disk
|-sdd1        8:49   0  9.1T  0 part
`-sdd9        8:57   0    8M  0 part
sde           8:64   0  9.1T  0 disk
|-sde1        8:65   0  9.1T  0 part
`-sde9        8:73   0    8M  0 part
mmcblk0     179:0    0 14.9G  0 disk
|-mmcblk0p1 179:1    0  256M  0 part /boot
`-mmcblk0p2 179:2    0 14.6G  0 part /

This shows I have 5 disks called sda through sde. Each disk is 9.1TB in capacity and has two partitions (sda1 and sda9). The mmcblk0 device is the micro SD card which the Pi is booting off.

Create a ZFS pool
Before you do this command make sure that there isn't any data you want to keep on the drives.

sudo zfs create pool1 raidz /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde -f

This says create a pool (of disks) called "pool1" its a raidz and we're using disks sda through sde. Raidz allows for a single disk failure. That is it can rebuild the missing information from data stored across the other 4 disks. Of course this means we lose space to allow for this data redundancy.

Pool attributes
To get more usable space we can turn compression on for our pool. Turning compression on means we try to compress the data before storing it on disk, however it requires some CPU time to do this.

You may have files that don't compress well such as zip files in which case there is no point turning compression on. I don't mine Chia so can't comment on storage plots being compressible or not.

The command to turn on zstd compression is:

sudo zfs set compression=zstd pool1

Note that you need OpenZFS 2 to get zstd compression. If running an older version you can use lz4 compression.

We can save some disk activity by not updating the atime attribute, that is the last time a file was accessed. The command to do this is:

sudo zfs set atime=off pool1

To check our pool the command is:

zpool status

  pool: pool1
 state: ONLINE

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        pool1       ONLINE       0     0     0
          raidz1-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            sda     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdb     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sde     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Check disk space
Lets see how much space we have after creating our pool. The command would be:

df -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        15G  1.5G   13G  11% /
devtmpfs        1.8G     0  1.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs           1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           1.9G  8.6M  1.9G   1% /run
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1  253M   30M  223M  12% /boot
tmpfs           385M     0  385M   0% /run/user/1000
pool1            36T  256K   36T   1% /pool1

You can see pool1 at the bottom and we have 36TB of available disk space after allowing for data redundancy. The theoretical disk capacity is 45.5TB (5 x 9.1TB).

It could be much larger by:

  • Use more drives. I only have 5 drives plugged in but the USB hub can handle up to 7.
  • Use a second hub with another 7 drives.
  • Use larger disks. The expansion drives are available in sizes up to 16TB currently.

If you are going to have one of these running 24/7 I would recommend you keep a spare drive (or two) for when one fails. Being a spinning disk its just a matter of when, not if, a drive will fail. A raid array is not a backup so keep a backup. A UPS would be a good idea as well.

After powering off the Pi and turning it on again the disk pool disappeared. A simple reboot fixed that. I believe this is caused by the drive spin up time. You can configure a boot delay for the Pi which should give the drives enough time to spin up.

This setup should be able to hold approximately 363 Chia storage plots without compression.


The pricing below is in US dollars.

1 x Pi4 4GB ($68)
1 x Pi4 case ($13)
1 x Pi4 power supply ($15)
1 x 16GB Micro SD card ($17)
1 x USB hub ($65)
5 x 10TB external drives ($215 each)
2 x Power strip ($13 each)
Total = $1,279 (USD)

Some parts (eg the Pi4) can be bought 2nd hand or found cheaper. As you can see the most expensive parts are the external hard disks. I've rounded up to the nearest dollar. Pricing taken from amazon on the 9th of May 2021.

A word of warning
SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording) drives are not suitable for use in a RAID array as described above. They are sometimes called Archive Disks.

I watched a video where the guy bought a bunch of external hard disks, because they were cheaper than internal ones. He then removed them from the case, a process called shucking. When he looked up the drive specs it turned out half of them were SMR drives. There was no warning on the packaging.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

2nd of May

Marks Rpi Cluster continues running 24/7. After purchasing a couple more 32GB micro SD cards last week the cluster now consists of:

4 x Pi3 compute nodes

8 x Pi4 8GB compute nodes

3 x Pi4 2GB support nodes


I installed Pi-Hole on a Pi4. Its a caching DNS server that can use blocklists to prevent access to websites. It comes with a list of 80,000 advertising websites that it can block and has a webpage to show statistics. I also use a caching proxy server (squid) to speed up access by caching frequently used web traffic. I had a small list of about 30 advertising websites that I block with it.

Having installed Pi-Hole I pointed my proxy server at it as a DNS server and commented out blocking of advertising websites in the proxy server. The two worked fine together. Pi-Hole has a much more complete list of advertising sites than I ever had.

The next step was to install Pi-Hole on the same Pi as the proxy server, that way they don't need to communicate across the network. I installed it on the proxy server Pi4 and adjusted the proxy server to use it instead. Its doing its job of suppressing the adverts on most websites. It doesn't get all of them but its certainly getting most of them and internet access seems seem slightly faster (due to not downloading ads).

You can get Pi-Hole from 

They have versions for Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu (ARM and x64), Debian (ARM, x64 and i386), Fedora (ARM and x64) and CentOS (x64 only).