Saturday, June 8, 2024

8th of June

Marks Rpi Cluster continues to run 24/7. Its has been running Einstein BRP4 work for the last couple of months.

Last weekend the project had an issue and all file transfers were suspended. According to their message boards they disabled the transitioner. When I checked on the farm I noticed lots of file transfers stuck and only the remaining work finishing off. At that point after retrying a few transfers, which were still stuck, I decided to let the farm run Asteroids work. Come the Monday and the file transfers had cleared up and we're back to running BRP4.

This week one of the Pi4's locked up. In order to reboot I have to run off all work and power cycle the edge cluster. So I suspend any work waiting to start and let it finish off any that are already running. Come back 5 hours later and tell each node to shut down before turning the power off and on again. I don't know what caused this node to lock up but suspect the micro SD card is probably worn out. To change them I would have to open up the Edge Cluster find the particular node and replace the SD card and then reinstall things. At the moment its back after the power cycle so I will see if it has any further issues.

You can run Pis using network storage, but I don't, I took the simpler solution of using the micro SD card for booting and local storage.

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