Saturday, September 3, 2022

Progress as of 3rd of September

This is where Marks Rpi Cluster is as of the 3rd of September for Einstein@home. Total credit is 17,387,442 and recent average is 31,909 credits.


Einstein@home had a power outage earlier in the week and apparently the Atlas Cluster that they use had UPS failures and they haven't managed to revive enough of the cluster. Its used to pre-process the BRP4 work so they have run out. In addition Rosetta@home doesn't have any work, but they haven't for months.

The dip on the graph just before the word Today is when they they went down earlier in the week and the spike hitting the word Today was Marks Rpi Cluster returning completed work after the initial outage. Normally I keep 0.3 days of work cached, but given the recent instability of the project I will be increasing it.

Cluster make up
As of the 3rd of September the cluster is made up of:

3 x Pi4 (2GB) as support nodes
24 x Pi4 (8GB) as compute nodes

For those that like numbers that is 96 ARMv8 CPU cores, 192GB of memory and 768GB of SD card storage for the compute nodes.

The support nodes are a proxy server, a storage server and a time server with a GPS.

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