Saturday, August 20, 2022

EC12 update

I picked up another BitScope Edge Cluster 12 along with 12 x Pi4's so I need to assemble it and flash a bunch of micro SD cards. I'll post about it once I have done it.

While at the BitScope office I dropped off the faulty top plate and they gave me a replacement for my existing EC12. They also gave me replacement nylon stand-offs that were missing from one corner of a cluster plate which I had already worked around. Once home I corrected my assembly of the existing EC12 so it now all fits together correctly. I have the front cover on, the power connector is at the back and its been working fine. This is what it looks like from the front now.


I had one of the Pi4's getting rather a high number of invalid tasks compared to the other Pi's in the cluster so I flashed a new micro SD card for it. When I first powered it on it wouldn't let me login so I had to power everything down and redo the SD card, which worked on the second attempt. Hopefully that will resolve its issue.

I had to buy a bunch of micro SD cards for the new EC12. When I was in the shop they didn't have my usual Sandisk Ultra 32GB cards so they gave me some Sandisk High Endurance 32GB cards. About all I can find online is their rated speed drops from 120MB/sec to 100MB/sec on reads and writes are also slower. The only endurance figures I can find is on the packaging than mentions "Up to 2500 hours of continuous video recording".

Update: 24 August 2022

Here are both EC12's side by side. The EC12 on the right has a 16 port switch on top and all those light blue network cables running off to each Pi. The EC12 on the left is connected to another 16 port switch.

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