I had another charger die. The strange thing about this one was I had 4 Pi3B+ spread across two chargers, so it was only powering two Pi's. That is well within its rated capacity. That puts the cluster down by 2 Pi3B+ nodes at the moment.
It comes up regularly what people use to power multiple Pis and the most common answer seems to be either make your own power supply or use an Anker USB charger. I bought an Anker 5 port USB charger two years ago but the Pi's wouldn't even power up with it which is why I am using the ones I have now. The Anker works great for charging the phone or tablet, just not for running a Raspberry Pi.
A week ago the official Pi4 cases arrived. The case, power pack and Pi4's were all ordered together from the same supplier. The case comes in 2 parts. They have no air holes, just cut-outs for the connectors and that is it. They are totally unsuitable. I was thinking I would cut a hole in the top and mount a 40mm fan however the air has to go somewhere and that is a problem with the new case design.
This week the Pi4's arrived. Unfortunately the power packs are still on back order so I can't use them yet. Also the 40mm 5v Noctua fans arrived. At this point I can't do anything until the power packs arrive so while I am waiting for them I will look into what I can do with cases and fans.
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