Saturday, January 12, 2019

Not dead, just idle

Idling along
Due to the weather Marks Rpi Cluster has been processing Einstein work in bursts overnight. I've been leaving them idle during the day thanks to the high temperatures.

I run them with a minimal cache setting so they download just enough work to keep each CPU core busy for about 11 hours and then they idle during the hottest part of the day. Normally I run them 24/7 but it doesn't do much for their life span so have been doing this for the summer months.

New Pi?
The Raspberry Pi foundation usually announce new Pis in February so if there is likely to be a new Rpi it will probably get announced next month. Here's hoping.

1 comment:

Mark G James said...

Quick update: Since the last post Sydney had 2 cooler days so the cluster did some work for Einstein. We’re now back idling