Here is a picture of them without the flash so you can see the LEDs on the Pis. There is also a red LED at the end of each Blade Duo indicating they have power, although you can't see them in this photo as the red power plate covers them.
These 8 Pi3 model B+ have been running for a week or so now and haven't given any invalid results so far. I put that down to the better power supply than my USB chargers.
This is the power supply. These are normally used to run 12v LED lights in your ceiling (sometime called down lights) but this one is a 24 volt 10 amp output to make sure there is enough juice for all 20 Pis.
And this is the way they stand when one puts the rack parts around it. The top and bottom bits of the rack screw into the metal standoffs that you can see.
There is another pair of power plates and their 5 Duo's which stand next to this. However before I can do that I need to order more Pis.