I ordered a couple of Raspberry Pi model 4B's on the 9th of July. They've shipped the cases, followed by the Pi's. The bit I really need, the power supplies, are still on back order.
Meanwhile back on the farm its business as usual. They all (except the two that are off due to the USB charger dying) are crunching Einstein BRP4 work.
Debian did a point release which means the Raspberry Pi foundation did one a few days after. I spent a few hours this morning applying the 45 updates to all of the Pis. They're now back at work.
I am leaning towards swapping out all the Pis in the cluster with 4B's. There are a few issues that need to be ironed out though. I'll need to print off some more Pi^4 cases, order more fans, order more heatsinks, order Pi4B's and sort out a power supply solution. That last one is the sticking point.